Fro Inspiration – Lovefro’s New Year Message…

I spent a relaxed but interesting afternoon, watching the ‘Queen’ starring Helen Mirren.  I’ve seen it before, but today the depiction, responses and themes came home to me in a new way.

For those that don’t know, this version of the ‘Queen’, centers around the devastating events of Diana’s death and the week in which the Monarchy and the Queen in particular came under fire, for their ‘lack’ of response to the depth of grief the country was experiencing.  The film depicts how the ‘Queen’ steeped in tradition, battles, with the cry of wisdom and judgment from the then prime minister, Tony Blair.  Somehow, this slip of a politician, manages to capture the mood of the people and almost daily, pleads with the queen and her advisors, to re-consider her response in a way that would speak to the ‘moment’, she was uncontrollably facing.

Clearly, what was unfolding then and now before my eyes, were two, maybe three key things.

  • Wisdom
  • Judgment
  • Time

I could talk endlessly about the first two gifts, which, at times I have lacked in great measure. But time? what is it about time that has gripped my mind over the Christmas season, and has stuck a chord with me whilst watching the Queen?

It’s clear that HRH Elizabeth II misjudged the public view of Diana’s death, and failed to embrace the wisdom of her PM at the earliest possible moment.  But clearer still, was the way the Queen, like many of us, failed to know and understand the ‘time’ or moment she was living in.

You see many of us harp on about ‘judgment’ and wisdom – as the keys to living with integrity and inmost instances ‘success’.  However what has become clear to me is that having good judgment – the ability to make good decisions, and  the wisdom to execute, becomes harder to do when we fail to read correctly the ‘time’,  the moment we are facing.  Think about it; how do you know what your next move is if you don’t know the time? How do we you know what to give up, or what direction to take if we re not aware of the moment we are living in?

Time according to Immanuel Kant, is in part a condition of knowledge – something we understand internally.  If we apply this simplified reading to  ‘knowing the time’, we understand that it’s not something someone can project upon us or tell us. We must read the ‘external’ our environment  and decide or judge within ourselves, the most appropriate next step.

In addition ‘time’ also has  spiritual implications.  If we don’t know what is the right next move, or we stagnate at the same place to long, the impact of misjudgment or hesitancy can be harmful, to our sense of self and well-being.  Whether we like it or not, what we do or don’t do has spiritual implications, and if we fail to read the time correctly, a moment longer in an abusive relationship, or a moment longer in a dead-end job, then its possible that our mis-judgment could  also erode the health of the soul, perpetuating the cycle of bad decisions, regret and ultimately self defeat.

So as we face 2012, I urge you to understand ‘your time’, and no-one elses.  Seek to understand your moment, and what expression that should take, and choose with if necessary the help of wise counsel, what your response should be to and in 2012.

So at 23.39,it’s time  to sign off, (see what I did there?) and  I take this opportunity to wish you – my friends and ‘extended’ family  a very Happy New Year, and that you will prosper on every level even or in direct correlation to the prosperity of your soul.

